Sunday, April 25, 2010

Wi-Fi Surfing Safety

1. If your company has a VPN that you can use for Web browsing, use it.
2. If you can't use a company VPN, give HotSpot Shield a try.
3. Don't equate subscription (paid-for) Wi-Fi Internet with secure browsing.
4. On unencrypted wireless networks, everyone can see where you are surfing (except on HTTPS Websites).
5. On encrypted wireless networks, everyone with the password can see where you are surfing (this could be a handful of people in your house, or hundreds of people in an airport).
6. If you must use a Wi-Fi hotspot without any form of VPN, imagine that your laptop is connected to a stadium Jumbotron. Don't visit any sites you wouldn't visit with 80,000 people looking over your shoulder.

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